Sunday, December 17, 2006

D's Choir Experience

Well, during the first service D did so well. The only little snicker he caused was when I went into the front of the aisle and kneeled down to take pics, he came foreward to me. Everyone laughed. :-) We have done quite a bit of sign language at home using Signing Time videos (which we highly recommend and have a good eBay seller if you are interested) and so I wasn't surprised that he enjoyed the song they sang with signing. In the second picture he is signing "baby" and in the third "wonderful".

During second service, he was a little clown. I guess all his abilities to be still were used up for the day! LOL When the music started he was swinging around and swaying...all to the beat of his own drummer, I might add! Then he wandered from his place and put his mouth up to the microphone...making a joyful noise unto the Lord! The choir director discreetly settled him toward the front (which also gave me opportunity to take pictures) and then he proceeded with his wiggliness and the worst was when he picked his nose! Why didn't that happen when he was in the back and too short to be seen?! He is only five so I am proud of him for doing so well.

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