Sunday, September 28, 2008

Songs On Sunday

Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, Washington

Today during our worship service, I felt bathed in the love of the Lord. I don't believe how I feel is important to worshipping the Lord. Singing the songs and participating in corporate worship is not meant to be for me, but I think too often in this day and age we are looking for what we can get out of the experience. That is normal to a point and I think there are some reasons that are appropriate for leaving a church. During the last year I have been trying to focus on God and my relationship with Him as I worship. Posting Songs On Sunday has come out of that. There are some Sundays when I need to close my eyes to keep my brain thinking about my family, my comfort level, my clothes, what other people are doing, what I need to do that afternoon or during the week etc. Since doing this I find that I can appreciate my time worshipping Him more.

Then there are days like today.

Today I felt bathed in the presence of the Holy Spirit and wanted to sing my heart out! Unfortunately allergies are making my voice crack, but I felt the joy anyway, more than I usually do. After a stressful week of doctor appointments, kids going crazy with allergy symptoms and a lot of other things going on, this JOY felt like a gift from HIM!

A fawn deer near Lake Crescent.
The worship was enhanced by some awesome news that Pastor Mike shared with us. Our church has an Arabic sister church which meets in our building in the afternoon. Today an 18 year old Iraqi refugee was baptized. AMEN! This is a HUGE thing. So amazing. God is so awesome. It's easy to feel at times that people do not want to know about Jesus, especially people who come from places like Iraq. It's also easy to think that the person in the cubicle next to you at work doesn't want to hear about God. Maybe that's true, maybe that's not. When I was in the working world, I found it difficult to share my faith with people. I don't think that my life was a very good witness at that point either. Today a man was sharing about his son and I asked him if his son had accepted Christ. He didn't know, but felt that he was getting good influence in the youth group. I encouraged him to ask! It might be the most important question he ever asks his son!
I am thinking about whether there is someone in my life I need to ask or share the Lord with.
I can't help but believe there is truth to the idea that angel's dance every time someone asks Jesus in their heart. It makes my heart sing every time I hear someone's testimony and I see the miracle working power of God's love. It's a reminder that He is in control - not the enemy who is the prince of this world, but GOD! Amen!
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Everyone sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown
Chris Tomlin

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Bumblebee and Fireweed

"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"

by Joachim Neander, 1650-1680

Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1829-1878

1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!

O my soul, praise Him, for He is Thy Health and Salvation!

Join the full throng:

Wake, harp and psalter and song;

Sound forth in glad adoration!

2. Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth,

Who, as on wings of an eagle, uplifteth, sustaineth.

Hast thou not seen

How thy desires all have been

Granted in what He ordaineth?

3. Praise to the Lord, who hath fearfully, wondrously, made thee;

Health hath vouchsafed and, when heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.

What need or grief

Ever hath failed of relief?--

Wings of His mercy did shade thee.

4. Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee,

Who from the heavens the streams of His mercy doth send thee.

Ponder anew

What the Almighty can do,

Who with His love doth befriend thee.

5. Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that is in me adore Him!

All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him!

Let the Amen

Sound from His people again;

Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Doe and Fawn, Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington

What can I add to that old German Lutheran hymn! Isn't it beautiful? It's rich and beautiful and wonderful and I can't help but think that the author had a heart bursting with joy, trying to express his love for God.

Psalm 100
A psalm.

For giving thanks.

1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness;

come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God.

It is he who made us, and we are his;

we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving

and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations.

From NIV courtesy of Bible Gateway

I'm sorry that blogger makes the lines come across weird. We read this responsively as a congregation. This is a practice that many modern churches have written off as old fashioned or too "stiff". Personally, I think there is something powerful about all those voices joined together speaking His Living Word.

Deer at Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington

One of the things I am looking forward to when God restores us to a new Earth is seeing how the animals will be different - when they will be how God created them to be, as we will be. The Bible says that if we fail to praise Him, even the stones will cry out. The Psalms write about Creation singing praises to its Creator. Everything that God created is already so amazing, I can't wait to see His original Design!

Mount Olympus from Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park

Give thanks to the Lord

Our God and King

His love endures forever

For He is good, He is above all things

His love endures forever

Sing praise, sing praise

With a mighty hand and outstretched arm

His love endures forever

For the life that's been reborn

His love endures forever

Sing praise, sing praise

Sing praise, sing praise


Forever God is faithful

Forever God is strong

Forever God is with us



From the rising to the setting sun

His love endures forever

By the grace of God

We will carry on

His love endures forever

Sing praise, sing praise

Sing praise, sing praise


Forever God is faithful

Forever God is strong

Forever God is with us



Forever God is faithful

Forever God is strong

Forever God is with us




His love endures forever

His love endures forever

His love endures forever


Sing praise, sing praise

Sing praise, sing praise


Forever you are faithful

Forever you are strong

Forever you are with us


And ever

Chris Tomlin

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington

6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made,

their starry host by the breath of his mouth.

7 He gathers the waters of the sea into jars;

he puts the deep into storehouses.

8 Let all the earth fear the LORD;

let all the people of the world revere him.

Psalm 36:6-8

Three of the most precious gifts He has given me - D, J, A.

Maybe as you read this, you don't feel like praising Him. We all feel like that at times. As in our earthly relationships, it's not about what we feel. Love is when the relationship keeps on going and growing in spite of how you "feel". Be patient. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you!

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