Well, we are having a sick day. The kids are so crabby. It rained! I have not seen rain like this in September since I have lived here. I am not complaining...better than triple digit and will help clean the SMOGGY air! It was disappointing that we are missing our first Bible study day for my Precepts class in Daniel. It is a really interesting study so far with both confusing prophecy and practical application. In between whining and complaining the kids have been playing and this is a picture of their traffic jam!

And here is a picture of my latest finished object. It is
My So Called Scarf which is done in a gorgeous merino/tussah silk single yarn from Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks in Willits, CA. The colorway is Hydrangea and the photo does not do it justice. The colors are dark olive, light olive, teal and purpley royal blue. This will go with my teal parka. I have some of the same colorway in their homespun wool to make a thick and warm hat. And in the future I hope to also make some fingerless gloves out of some teal Alpaca yarn I have to go with them all. It's a really fun stitch that almost looks like weaving. I enjoyed the break from my size 000 needles for socks that I am working on because I used 10.5 bamboo needles! With the weather the way it is, maybe I will get to wear this sooner rather than later! :o)
I sympathize with the traffic jam! We usually have play food and dishes instead. I love the scarf! The colors are beautiful!
I'm sorry you had to miss your class. Which study are you doing? I have done 3 or 4 precept studies and I really enjoyed them a lot.
We have traffic jams like that a lot, too....the little guy loves his cars!
We are having a "sick" day to, DD allergies seem to be getting the best of her. There isn't any rain here yet, but they keep telling us it's coming.
I love the pattern, did a small headband and found it was a pretty easy stitch to do. Your scarf is beautiful! Sandi
I think you should have titled this post, "My Life So Far..."
Lovely scraf as usual.
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