Thursday, September 29, 2005

It was hard to get a picture of this. That fuchsia yarn is reall HOT fuchsia. It's Lamb's Pride worsted. I have always enjoyed knitting with that wool. I started this about ten years ago so this is really keeping in theme with my blog and inline with my goals. As it turns out it is going to be a present for a teenager this winter and I have enough of the Lamb's Pride to do the wavy rib scarf over at Sorry I don't have a specific URL, but when I saw it I thought it would be perfect for the person I am sending it to. The other yarn in the hat is a mohair blend, a deep burgandy color with nubs of the same hot fuchsia in it...who would have known, two yarns with that same color!? LOL The ribbing on the hat is a mock cable. Posted by Picasa

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