Saturday, April 21, 2007

March Miscellaneous - Still Catching Up

These are dishcloths I made for my Life Overflowing Exchange Pal Judy. I got them online, but I can't remember where. When I was weaving in ends I saw a couple mistakes! OUCH! You can't frog at that point so I just left it.

This shows the three crosses like a Christ's resurrection.
A lighthouse.

My hubby is really good at playing with the kids and also getting them out of my hair after a long or difficult day. We got the girls a T-ball set for their birthday and hubby took them to the park and they had fun trying it out. J, who is a South Paw like her Papa Dan, took to it pretty seriously. She has always been the most physical of all three kids. Of course it was only the first time out, but let's just say we need some more practice! :o)

Here's D watching A's technique. If you ever need something beat with a stick...I think she's your gal! LOL

D took it pretty seriously and even made sure he brought his Blue's Clue's baseball hat that Grampa and Grandma gave him so that he could play "right". :o)
I had to include this picture. A in the purple and J is bursting into the scene. This is just so typical of J. The other two think about their physicality more or hold back. J just rushes in full of vim and vigor. Mom, made me think of Grandma saying, "Here I am you lucky people!" LOL
This cracked me up too. Who knows what Miss Bossy Finger (J) was saying, but it looks like it should be captioned "I call the corner pocket"!
A didn't beat it well enough the first time, here we go again.
Here's J again, ready for a swing!

D looks like he is amazed he hit it!

Aunt Shelley gave the girls Toys R Us gift cards for their birthdays and they bought these dolls with them. They also had some money from Great Grandma so they bought these little strollers (which they have managed to break already because they played HARD with them!)
A kisses her baby
J giving her dolly a drink

1 comment:

Carissa said...

Very cute! B is like that with her dolls, and loves her stroller. I can see some t-ball in our future too!