Saturday, April 21, 2007

First "Real" Haircut

We never thought our poor little baldies would ever grow hair! So, last August they had their first hair cut when we were at Grandma and Grandpa's. It was mainly a bang trim so they could see. But lately the hair has been looking pretty scruffy with lots of breaks from the girls removing their own pony tails, so we thought before the summer we would get a clean cut and then let it continue growing. Their hair is baby fine and A's is wispy...she always looks a little waif like. J's is fine too but she has more hair. She is in the yellow and A in the white...this is a before picture.
Here is A looks a little silly because you know how it is right after you get your hair have to go home and re-do it to get it the way you want! :o) Her bangs look much better now and they were most enthused by the sucker they got at the end.
Here is J afterward...not a dramatic change, just a little more professionally shaped. Also having it cut blunt at the ends makes it look fuller. They both have quite a bit of natural wave which changes depending on humidity, when their hair was washed, how they slept on it etc. These pictures don't show any wave as it has been washed that day.
Here is A in the chair getting ready for her trim. She had about 4-5 inches cut off of her hair.
Oops! Sorry I forgot to turn this around, this is J. You can see on the right what has been cut and on the left what will be cut. She got about 3 inches off of hers.
J in the chair.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

How sweet, they look so grown up. I just love the picture of J, head down reading. Beautiful poses for all your kids.