Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Today I tried out my spindle (gift from secret pal!) for the first time and it was fun...this was my first time EVER on a spindle...quality not good enough to photograh but I was having fun. I need to read some more on how to do it. I also spent some time spinning up some of Cary's Joseph (corriedale)/black alpaca...ha ha...it's too dark for you to tell if I know what I am doing or not! LOL I can say that I started out on the largest whorl and have progressed to the smallest to get the size yarn I am attempting. I want to spin three bobbins and then ply them together for socks. In person, this is not totally black, but it's not gray or brown either. I really love it. And I'm enjoying my Lendrum. I just wish that I could connect with an experienced Lendrum user to have them critique what I'm doing and give me some pointers. Posted by Picasa

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