Monday, March 20, 2006

This weekend was the Capitol City Air Show, which took place at the former Mather Air Force Base which is about a mile from us. We had 5 days of show because of all the practicing. I should have been out photographing during practice because ALL the planes were out and it sounded like an air raid. My ear drums vibrated, our little tin shack vibrated and car alarms were continually going off because the vibration was that strong. Saturday I took these pictures. I missed the best one because of the delay with the digital camera. Four planes flew directly over our street and were so close that it felt like you could reach up and touch them. The hair stood up all over my arms and neck. It was pretty neat to see them. My shots aren't great. They move SOOOO fast, maybe my cousin Wendy can tell me exactly how fast as she is from a flying family, works in the aviation field and goes to many air shows and races...all I can say is FAST. It is hard to get a focus lock on them quick enough to take a picture...they've flown out of your viewfinder before you snap! LOL Anyway, here are a few shots and I'm sharing them even though they are not the sharpest or greatest. This one is directly over our house, that's our neighbor's tree. Sorry, no knitting content today! :o) Posted by Picasa

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