Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wellness Wednesday

Hi Everyone. Still not much to report. Our whole family has been down with either virus or stomach bug and we are all dragging. I'm behind on answering email. I am a bad friend. I have been learning how to digital scrapbook instead! Sorry!

Digital scrapbooking has saved my sanity this week. I have been overwhelmed by kids who are super emotional when they are sick and my nerves are raw. The other night I knew I just needed to spend some time in the Word - the best wellness tool I know of! I took my Grandma Hopkins' Bible, which I love to read because of all her notes in it, and read the first couple chapters of Ephesians, making a list of all the things God has done or blessed me with as a Believer. I highly recommend this. It's pretty eye opening.

Today during devotionals in school, we had a question about what we would give Jesus if he was here right now. D answered immediately, "some" of his Legos! LOL The girls, at 5 couldn't quite understand. So, I said, "If Jesus was sitting on the couch with you, what would you give him or do for him." J said, "I'd snuggle with Jesus!" Out of the mouths of babes. Couldn't we all use a snuggle with Jesus? I know I sure could!

What picks you up when you are down?

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