Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I have been trying to relax a little a my asthma meds, prednisone, etc have been making me jumpy and making me have pvc's. It is always a little bit scary when that happens. So I'm trying to lay low and keep it cool. I have been sneaking a moment here and there and doing some spinning. This is from a rainbow dyed roving of Blue Faced Leicester that I got from Winderwood on eBay. Melissa and Amanda, friends from the Christian Artisans list recommended him and he has some wonderful stuff. Anyway, I have not spun in months! I don't think it is necessarily calming my heart rate all the time because I am getting frustrated with myself with all my breaks and having to start over. I am still having a tough time finding the balance of getting enough spin to keep it from pulling apart and too much spin so that it will be un-knittable. :o) There is yellow and green under the colors you see here and I am trying to spin so the colors overlap a little too, like they do in the Trekking XXL sock yarns. I like it so far and I hope that I will have something I can use for kids socks when I get done. When plied it will probably be between sock and sport weight. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

David said...

I am hoping you start to feel a bit better soon.