Sunday, June 11, 2006

This is my Gemini Rose. I don't know if I have ever explained on here before or not, but my rose garden in the front is sort of a 'memorial garden' in that most of the roses I bought with a specific person in mind to remember. I have a red one called "Old Smoothie" that is for my Grandpa, an orangey/coral one that is called "Arizona" for Tim's Mom (they lived in Arizona most of their lives), "Glamis Castle" reminds me of my friends in England who took me to Glamis Castle in Scotland (Queen Mum's childhood home), Peace Rose is my Mother and I have a Queen Elizabeth pink rose which is what my Mom and Aunt Grace both grew and would take to Grandma. But this rose is my memorial to my Grandma and I, and since I have been talking about this on the blog I thought I would share this picture. I do NOT believe in horoscopes, however Grandma and I were both born under that sign and we are twins of sorts, just like my identical twin alike and yet sooooo different too! This rose starts out creamy white with a tinge of pink on the tips and then as it gets older the pink turns into a deep coral color. The heat will also make it turn darker color, which I think happened with these. These photos don't do it justice. It's one of my favorites. Posted by Picasa

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