Friday, August 19, 2005

This is a closeup of some lovely bead markers that I got in a trade with a gal on the Aran list. I traded her some sock yarn I had gotten years ago in Germany for six of these Celtic bead markers and six of the Orca whales in the photo below. You can't see in the picture but the beads on the end are purple. The rings are a little tarnished because they are silver and the "swamp cooler" has been running which makes it a little humid in the house. Anyway, she did a lovely job on these and I would highly recommend her. Please email me if you need contact information. She has many styles including many different Celtic ones and she will make to order. I did go to a bead store in Roseville, about 45 minutes away from me. I bought some beads and head pins. I brought these in to show them what I wanted to do and they did allow me to bend a head pin to see what it was like but were really snotty about showing me anything else, saying that it was in the class. I understand this concept and that they are a business trying to make money, but a little kindness goes a LONG way! I don't think I'll be doing business there again. I got some pliers at Walmart for working with beads and will practice. I figured out how to wrap the wire but not how to clip or tuck it at the end so that it won't catch on the knitting. I don't have the $ right now to take a class otherwise I would. I don't want to get another hobby! I need that like a hole in my head, but I do want to make some bead markers and I'm stubborn so I will keep on trying! :o) Posted by Picasa

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